Thursday 6 February 2014

Video Research

this is the style I would like my video to be in. The dull lighting and the fact that the girl is squeezing the body parts she believes is "fat"

6th February 2014 - Production Diary

Completed my presentation and it's cue cards



My chosen genre is Social Actions and Community. Social action and community media uses media as a creative tool to increase public knowledge and awareness and sets out to analyse current social issues and problems and bring to public attention. This type of media gives an informative view on some situations in society and uses the community to voice their opinions so the media is more persuasive. This type of media is most commonly used to show awareness for charities, such as RSPCA when they produce videos of animals being badly treated and ask for your help. They do this to pull at your heartstrings and inform you what is happening in society.

For my project, I have chosen to do a social action and community film for the charity BEAT to raise the awareness of anorexia in teenagers. I want to produce a 3-minute film to provide information such as facts and statistics on anorexia. I will also have real life anorexics voicing a con of anorexia. To break up the clips, I’ll be filming a sequence of a girl with anorexia, touching and squeezing parts of her body, crying and clenching at the fact she finds herself fat. She stands in front of the mirror, staring at herself, touching the parts she hates.

My target audience will be for those who are either worried about their child having anorexia and need information, or those who are interested in helping those with it. It also is aimed at teenagers that are worried about having anorexia and want to know the signs or statistics of it.

I want it to be visually dark lighting, to keep it with the darkness of the illness. The sequence that I will be filming will be in that style. It will be dark and sharp, but with a blurred translation between each part of the body. The clips of the real anorexics stating the cons and facts of the illness will of course break up the sequence. The clips will visually be them filming themselves, this way it will come off as more personal and meaningful.

I would like my film to be distributed on the BEATS website. As it will be a 3-minute max film, this fits perfectly with their site. People are welcome to contact beat and leave comments on their site to give feedback from the film.

6th February 2014 - Production Diary

Continuing to work on my presentation. Try to complete it all by today including the cue cards.