Friday 31 January 2014

Video Research

31st January 2014 - Production Diary

Post Tutorial - Add video research to blog. Contact people involved in my filming and get release forms. Bring in footage that has already been filmed to next lesson.

31st January 2014 - Production Diary

31/01/14 - Today I need to post my proposal onto my blog. I will also be doing a lot more research into my project idea and start my 5 minute pitch.

Thursday 23 January 2014

23rd January 2014 - TASK 2 Idea Creation

Take 2 – Idea Creation

1.     City College Norwich: My idea for a Corporate Promotion for City College Norwich is for all the Creative Arts departments. I’d show what we have to offer within the department and what supplies we have. I’d go from each course to speak with the students and tutors for their views, opinions and experiences with the course. I will be making the Promotional film for City College Norwich that they could show at special events such as Open Days. My potential target audience would be future students looking to join one of the Creative Arts courses and show them each ones qualities and what the courses are about. It will also let them see other present students opinions on the course.

2.     Social Action and Community: My idea for a Social Action and Community media film would be for a charity group called BEAT.  This charity provides helps for those who suffer from an eating disorder of any kind. I want to specialize my film for those who suffer from Anorexia by showing the form of body dysmorphia that comes with it. I also would film real life anorexics stating one sentence about anorexia. This will be a short film and more website based. If not it would be easy to extend to a DVD type film. It will be aimed at those who either suffers from anorexia or for families and friends who know someone with anorexia. It is also to show awareness in the illness and give more of a sense of how dangerous it is.

3.     Company Product/Service: My idea for a Corporate Promotion for a company product would be for the independent business called Stratus Hosting. It’s a software product so I would show demonstrations of the product and the benefits of using it. This would be aimed at mainly businesses’ as it’s more a server software. It would be a short film so it would be useable for the Stratus Hosting’s website.

23rd January 2014 - TASK 1 Initial Research

Task 1 – Initial Research

Production Manager:

A production manager is involved with the planning, coordination and control of manufacturing processes. They ensure that goods and services are produced efficiently and that the correct amount is produced at the right cost and level of quality.
The scope of the job depends on the nature of the production system: jobbing, mass, process, or batch production. Many companies are involved in several types of production, adding to the complexity of the job. Most production managers are responsible for both human and material resources.
The job role is also referred to as operations manager.
Typical work activities
The exact nature of the work will depend on the size of the employing organisation. However, tasks typically involve:
  • Overseeing the production process, drawing up a production schedule;
  • Ensuring that the production is cost effective;
  • Making sure that products are produced on time and are of good quality;
  • Working out the human and material resources needed;
  • Drafting a timescale for the job;
  • Estimating costs and setting the quality standards;
  • Monitoring the production processes and adjusting schedules as needed;
  • Being responsible for the selection and maintenance of equipment;
  • Monitoring product standards and implementing quality-control programmes;
  • Liaising among different departments, e.g. suppliers, managers;
  • Working with managers to implement the company's policies and goals;
  • Ensuring that health and safety guidelines are followed;
  • Supervising and motivating a team of workers;
  • Reviewing worker performance;
  • Identifying training needs.

Codes and Conventions in Corporate and Promotional Programming

In this blog post I am going to explain the codes and conventions of corporate and promotional programs, in doing this I will provide examples of existing ones. I will also explain the formats used, also the equipment and varieties of techniques used. I will then explain the legal and ethical issues, which relate to this form of programming. 

A corporate video is a video, which is commissioned by a business to portray a certain message to internal or external stakeholders, and potential and existing customers, it also attracts audiences. An organization intends the video to be viewed by their target audience and is made to suit what their audience wants to see. They always have a function, purpose and targeted audience. For the programed to be effective they should contain information that would entertain audiences yet also inform them. The main reasons why these videos are produced are to provide information, promotion, health and safety standards and staff training videos. Due to an increase in convergence technology, corporate videos are used by companies on their websites, YouTube, social networking. 

The codes and conventions used are dependent on the function of the video and the audience the video has been made for. The codes and conventions that have been used by the filmmaker have to reflect the brand identity of the corporation it is being made for, e.g. Apple.

Here are some of the codes and conventions you would need:

Voice Over - This guides the audience through a narrative and will explain to the audience of what is included in the video. The person in the voice over would speak with range and depth so that it sounds professional and so the audience listens.  

Company Logo - the company is usually at the beginning and end of the video, this is so the audience will refer to the company with the logo and recognize the company.

Presenter - there would be one in the video to provide information. They would dress smart and make the audience listen. 

Titles - these are used when someone is on screen talking e.g. interviews, this will tell the audience who they are and what part of the business they are in, they also break up the video.

Selling Point - the video will focus on a selling point of the product, the points make the product a better competitor to other products that are similar.

Cutaways  - these are short shots, which are related to the narrative, with the voice over playing over the top in time, helping explain visually and give the information more effectively to the audience. The cutaways can be a variety of shots; e.g. close ups of objects, tracking shots and establishing shots.

Interviews - they are used a lot in these types of videos, they provide the audience with professional opinions bettering their knowledge of a project, interviews are also included to make the audience more interested in the product and keep watching the video. 

Music - this is used to set a tone and grasp the audience. The music is quiet so you can hear people talking clearly in interviews and is played on a loop.

Graphics - these can be used for the main titles, to make it eye catching to the viewer. 

Video and audio transitions - these are used so the editing will flow easily and so it doesn't cut back and forth so snappy. 

Language/script - this is written so it introduced the business/product to the audience as if the audience has no idea what the business/product is, this is so anyone who watches it will have a knowledge of the business/product.

Social Action Media

Social action media uses media as a creative tool to increase public knowledge and awareness and sets out to analyse current social issues and problems and bring to public attention. Essentially, it encourages people to action in response to what they have seen on heard. Community media provides a vital alternative to the profit-oriented agenda of corporate media. Social objectives rather than the private, profit motive drive them. They empower people rather than treat them as passive consumers, and they nurture local knowledge rather than replace it with standard solutions. Ownership and control of community media is rooted in, and responsible to, the communities they serve and they are committed to human rights, social justice, the environment and sustainable approaches to development. Social action and community media is key to creating a strong, socially responsible civil society.

23rd January 2014 - Production Diary

23rd January 2014
Created my blog and set a design to it. Made my first posts, created labels and coped TASK 1 into a post. 

First post

This is the first post of my Production Management blog. Do not delete.