Thursday 23 January 2014

23rd January 2014 - TASK 2 Idea Creation

Take 2 – Idea Creation

1.     City College Norwich: My idea for a Corporate Promotion for City College Norwich is for all the Creative Arts departments. I’d show what we have to offer within the department and what supplies we have. I’d go from each course to speak with the students and tutors for their views, opinions and experiences with the course. I will be making the Promotional film for City College Norwich that they could show at special events such as Open Days. My potential target audience would be future students looking to join one of the Creative Arts courses and show them each ones qualities and what the courses are about. It will also let them see other present students opinions on the course.

2.     Social Action and Community: My idea for a Social Action and Community media film would be for a charity group called BEAT.  This charity provides helps for those who suffer from an eating disorder of any kind. I want to specialize my film for those who suffer from Anorexia by showing the form of body dysmorphia that comes with it. I also would film real life anorexics stating one sentence about anorexia. This will be a short film and more website based. If not it would be easy to extend to a DVD type film. It will be aimed at those who either suffers from anorexia or for families and friends who know someone with anorexia. It is also to show awareness in the illness and give more of a sense of how dangerous it is.

3.     Company Product/Service: My idea for a Corporate Promotion for a company product would be for the independent business called Stratus Hosting. It’s a software product so I would show demonstrations of the product and the benefits of using it. This would be aimed at mainly businesses’ as it’s more a server software. It would be a short film so it would be useable for the Stratus Hosting’s website.

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